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Our school has sought to recognize individual achievements from the beginning in 1947 when the National Honor Society Program was brought into our school system.  Over time other systems have been established. One of them is unique - SHOGUN.  We think it began in the mid 1960's and continues today at Nile Kinnick High School.   Each year Shogun awards are given to deserving Juniors and Seniors who by their very presence have made Kinnick High School ("KHS") a better school and a better experience for all students and staff. These students need not be leaders, popularity people, contest winners, top scholars or outstanding athletes, but they may be. Frequently, Shogun award winners are "behind the scenes" workers who have contributed to the success of programs by helping others. They have usually devoted many hours in this pursuit of helping others and working to help some aspect of  KHS achieve excellence. Shogun recipients are selected by Kinnick faculty members, and it is the top, most prestigious award given at Kinnick.  Are you a "Shogun" - if so, let us know and we may establish a roster for public view of those who have been bestowed this honor. 

Alumni known to have been awarded Shogun status are identified on the individual yearbook pages.

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