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When Christmas rolls around, bells peal out their glorious message of the Birth of The Savior. The Christ child has come.  Everyone is happy; gifts are exchanged, laughter echoes and re-echoes throughout the happy homes.  About this time the sky covers the earth with its purest blanket.  In all this happiness and joy it is our unpleasant duty to sound a note of sorrow.

Here in Japan there are people cold and hungry and weary of fighting the elements.  Charity toward these people is a virtue but during the Christmas season when the Earth celebrates the birth of our Greatest Gift; it, becomes a law.

Christ didn't have to come; it was a pure gift.  He came to fill the world with joy and every Christmas we see the proof of this happiness.  It becomes our duty to spread a little happiness, Charity is the first........

"As long as ye do this to them the least of my brethren, ye do it unto me".

                  SANTA CLAUS

Some people say there is no Santa and affirm with great vehemence that there never was one.  The former might be actually true but the latter most certainly is not.   Santa Claus is really a corruption of the Dutch for Saint Nicholas, "San Nicholaas."  But time and people have changed this 'till it comes down to us as our own Santa Claus.

St Nicholas was a Bishop of Myra in the time of the Emperor Diocletion.   He was persecuted and tortured by the order of this Emperor but was finally released with the assent of Constantine to the imperial throne.  He later died.

Many legends have come down to us about this marvelous person.

The stories of his charity were spread far and wide in early Russia.  This devotion to his name spread to Holland and was brought to the New World by the early settlers.

The Americans were very quick to adopt this custom.  Since that time it has grown and become the biggest custom in the United States.  So when Santa comes down your chimney you can tell him all about himself. Merry Christmas                                                   M B

                 NEW ARRIVAL

Yep, we have another one.  Another what you want to know?  Why, a new member of our junior class.  They keep coming fast and furiously!  And believe me, we're not the least be sorry.

This time the new arrival is Bill Rees, who comes from Salt Lake City, Utah and who sailed to Japan on the Mayo.  That ship probably brings back memories to many of you.

He expects to be in Japan until June, '49.  Pat F, Donna A and Ginger L have at last found a ;boy who expects to be her then.  He'd better be careful.  Bill thinks Japan is "swell" and for the most part we all agree with him.

Bill likes to play football, tennis, and baseball.  He's what one would call a versatile athlete  It's too bad he had to miss all our football games, but there'll be even better ones next year, Bill.

He is taking English III, U S History, and geometry so if you have noticed a new member in your class, two to one it's Bill Rees.

We all wish you the best of everything, Bill, and we're mighty glad to have y9ou in our class.                         G L    


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                    CLASS NEWS

The Christmas spirit is in the air.  Faces are a little brighter and laughter can be heard more often.  In the classrooms can be heard excited little whispers --- "What are you getting them?  "Where are you going for Christmas Vacation?"

The Juniors seem to have been captivated by the spirit of the season already, for they have plans for some wonderful times during the holidays.  Some are going to satisfy their curiosity to see beautiful places in Japan.  Bob Slade is rushing off to Kobe and Osaka as soon as school is over.  Elaine Ettinger hopes to go the Kyoto to see the many shrines and the dears (deer) for which that place is noted. Nagoya calls for Margie Ratterman and Donna Abbott are going to have a nice rest at the Fuji View Hotel.   Carol Browne is all excited about her trip to Shiga Heights, where there is skiing.  She doesn't think she'll try that skiing stuff; those mountains look mighty steep.

With all these people leaving during the holidays, it seems as if we "stay at homes" won't have any fun at all, however, Herb Dimon, Tom Sack and other Juniors say they are sure to have a good time. Herb is polishing up his gun and putting on his little red hat to go hunting near here.  Tom Sack proudly states that his family is going to try out their new car by touring the Yokohama Area.  Walt Henderson and Bill Rees are both bent on nosing around those little Japanese shops.  Bill thinks they look very interesting, but Walt is just trying to spend his ten yen to buy all his presents.

Hardy Glasgow intends to "paint the town red"--if he can get the car (don't show this to his mother!)

Ernie is going to do nothing but dream about that Christmas dinner.  He claims he can smell it already.



Santa Claus must really have something in store for Lou Dacus.   When he as asked what he planned to do, he just said ....."I am going to stay home and be a sweet little boy, like my mama told me".  I wonder what he is trying to get?

Everyone is looking forward to the coming dances at the "Neet Nac".   No one wants to miss the Xmas or New Years Party.  However, the Juniors aren't forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, for most of them are planning to participate in the Christmas Services of their Churches.                 


With Donna Abbott, Bill will skip and prance,  since he's asked her to the Christmas Dance.

At Friday's Assembly, Jackie really did slay 'em, When she appeared as "Young Widow Graham"  (More power to you Jackie!)

With Tardy, playing tennis was quite a job,  Especially when her opponent was "Ye ole Champ"--Rob  (What was the score,Tardy---Love?)

At the "Neet Nac" Saturday was "Killer Diller" Dick,   Holding hands with a cute lil' trick! (Meaning Dianne Mc)

Saturday night Hardy was full of "pep and Ginger",  You'd never know he ever had an injure!

If you wanta hear some boogie and shuffle your feet,  Hop to the Neet Nac and try "Pig Foot Pete"  ( It's really neat).

No one can have any real gripes,  When they get their picture in "Stars and Stripes".

In "Stars and Strips" Ernie looked quite gallant,   to get in there he must have talent??                     P F   


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